Religious Education in Estonia
Religious Education (RE) is an optional subject in Estonia and it must adhere to the national syllabus. In Estonian legislation a distinction is made between the confessional subject ‘usuõpetus’ taught only in private schools, and non-confessional subject ‘usundiõpetus’ about world religions, taught in municipal and state general education schools (Private Schools Act §11(5) in Eng and in Est).
RE is based on the principles of freedom of religion and thought. It covers different religions and religious movements; teaches the students to understand how religion and worldview is expressed in culture, in the lives of individuals and in society; and discusses existential issues.
The goal is to prepare the students for life in a pluralistic society and in a world where they will come into contact with people of different religions and world views, to shape skills and attitudes that form the basis for mutual understanding, respect, openness and readiness for dialogue and cooperation.
RE does not promote any particular church, congregation or other religious association neither it considers any single worldview to be the norm for students.
RE is based on the principles of freedom of religion and thought. It covers different religions and religious movements; teaches the students to understand how religion and worldview is expressed in culture, in the lives of individuals and in society; and discusses existential issues.
The goal is to prepare the students for life in a pluralistic society and in a world where they will come into contact with people of different religions and world views, to shape skills and attitudes that form the basis for mutual understanding, respect, openness and readiness for dialogue and cooperation.
RE does not promote any particular church, congregation or other religious association neither it considers any single worldview to be the norm for students.
The objectives of RE in Estonia:
Basic school (look at the curriculum)
Events for students Olympiad of RE takes place since spring 2009. It is a competition for gifted children from the upper secondary school or from the last year of basic school. There are two rounds. For the first round a student competes in e-based test about religions in the world. The second round for ten best participants takes place in Tartu University. Events for teachers Yearly in-service training for teachers of RE take place at University of Tartu. Events for teacher-students Pille Valk's stipendium for a RE-teacher-student or RE teacher. The stipendium is initiated by Tartu Lutheran Peter's School (link). |